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La nostra storia

This is who we were and what we are

Azienda Agricola Fiorotto was born in 1934, when the founder, Vittorio Fiorotto, moved from Lancenigo to Nervesa Della Battaglia with his wife and three children. The business took shape with a dozen head of cattle, a few rows of vineyards, cereal fields and many meadows.

The passion and experience have been handed down from father to son, leading the company to gradually increase the activities and the cultivated areas, especially in the wine sector and specializing over time also in the management of the vineyards on behalf of third parties, performing manual and mechanical agronomic processes and providing consulting services. Currently the business complex, with the various properties and land on rent and on loan, extends over about 120 ha, including 17 ha of vineyards, 3 ha of woods and the remainder cultivated with cereals or meadows necessary for feeding the 180 head of cattle present on the farm.

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The new generation

For some time the company management has passed to the fourth generation and the will of Daniele, Marina and Stefano, supported by the family, have led to the birth of the Vittoria ss Agricultural Company, a great reality that carries on the activities and knowledge developed over the decades. The Fiorotto family offers its wines today, thanks to a great experience and a love for the fruits of a territory that has the ancient flavor of innovation.

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The new generation

For some time the company management has passed to the fourth generation and the will of Daniele, Marina and Stefano, supported by the family, have led to the birth of the Vittoria ss Agricultural Company, a great reality that carries on the activities and knowledge developed over the decades. The Fiorotto family offers its wines today, thanks to a great experience and a love for the fruits of a territory that has the ancient flavor of innovation.


Stefano Fiorotto

Management of cheese making and milk processing. Agricultural worker for cereals, meadows and vineyards

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Daniele Fiorotto

Creator and manager of the Fiorotto 1934 wine collection.  Administrative, bureaucratic and economic management  Management of customer-supplier relationships, purchases-sales.  Company management on subcontracting.


Vittorio Fiorotto

Vineyard agronomic worker. Employee management


Marina Fiorotto 

Farm management. Responsible for the medical-veterinary and registry department. Animal welfare manager. Genetic research management for quantitative and qualitative standards

Denis Baldasso

Agricultural worker for cereals, meadows and vineyards. Responsible for breeding feeding


Danilo Fiorotto

Fiorotto Group Management. Vineyard management. Production manager. Environmental certification manager

Flavia Guerra

Management of nutrition and calf wellbeing 


Luciano Fiorotto

Milk and vegetable production worker 

Antonella Brescancin

Milk production management



L’ispirazione dalla storia delle nostre terre

Giovanni Della Casa (1503-1556) più conosciuto come monsignor Della Casa, di origini fiorentine, è stato un letterato, scrittore e arcivescovo cattolico italiano, noto soprattutto come autore del manuale di belle maniere “Galateo overo de’ costumi” e già conosciuto per la chiacchierata vita mondana sia a Roma che a Venezia, non ricevette mai la porpora cardinalizia e con la morte del suo protettore, Alessandro Farnese, decide di ritirarsi nell’abbazia di Sant’Eustachio, un monastero benedettino sulle pendici del Montello, all'interno del nostro comune, Nervesa della Battaglia, dove probabilmente scrisse il famoso “Galateo” così chiamato perché dedicato a monsignor Galeazzo Florimonte (1484-1565), in latino Galatheus Florimonte, vescovo italiano, fine umanista, letterato e riformatore. Oggi, il “galateo moderno” potrebbe essere definito come l'insieme delle "norme di comportamento" che bisognerebbe seguire nei rapporti con le altre persone, allo scopo di garantire una convivenza gradevole e basata sul rispetto reciproco. Le origini del galateo affondano in un passato decisamente lontano e le norme di comportamento di un'epoca distante cinque secoli non possono certamente essere considerate attuali… i costumi e le abitudini sono decisamente cambiate, ma vi sono comunque “regole” e accorgimenti senza tempo, a volte indispensabili per una buona convivenza tra le persone e il mondo che ci ospita. A questi principi e alle figure storiche e romantiche che in queste terre li hanno resi eterni, la FIOROTTO 1934 si è ispirata per creare una linea di vini di grande pregio, eleganti e raffinati, creati senza fretta e in grado di condurvi, come una sorta di galateo del buon bere, alla scoperta di un’esperienza sensoriale che profuma di tradizione e passione

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